Sedrah Hackathon

Discover the spirit of challenge and the power of collaboration at the Sedrah Hackathon in Riyadh!

Collaborate with passionate individuals and innovative startups, supported by expert mentors, to create solutions that tackle environmental and sustainability issues in Saudi Arabia today. From enhancing circular economy and improving air quality, to combating desertification, the Sedrah Hackathon offers diverse challenges for every participant.
Form teams of 1 to 5 members and work on one of the three distinct challenges to tackle. With two days to craft your solution, teams will present their innovative ideas to our expert panel of judges at the end of day two, and stand a chance to win exciting prizes, including a significant financial grand prize.

Who should participate?



Software Developers

AI/ML Engineers

AI/ML Enthusiasts

The hackathon journey

Phase 1: Registration Opens!

Phase 2: Screening and acceptance process

Phase 3: Pre-event Webinar

Phase 4: Launching the hackathon:

Day 1: Team formation and idea generation

Day 2: Work on your solution with your team and mentors

Day 3: Presentation day and prize distribution

Don't miss the opportunity to compete and contribute to a more sustainable future in KSA. Register now and let's shape a sustainable tomorrow together!